Simple Fruit Dip

fruit dip

All you need is Ellenos Plain with Honey yogurt and a dash of cinnamon to create the ultimate fruit dip, perfect for entertaining. It doesn’t get any better (or easier) than this!


  • 1 cup Ellenos Plain with Honey yogurt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon



  • Mixing bowl


Yield Prep Time Cook Time Total Time
4-6 servings 15 minutes N/A 1 hour 15 minutes
(includes time to chill)



  1. Combine the Ellenos Plain with Honey yogurt and cinnamon in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ingredients until completely uniform. Adjust spice to personal preference, as necessary.
  3. Transfer the dip to a serving bowl.
  4. Allow to refrigerate for 1 hour prior to serving to allow flavors to meld. Serve with your favorite fruit for dipping – grapes, apples, and strawberries.
  5. Store leftovers in an airtight container, refrigerated, for up to 3 days.

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